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ARC-lite is the world's first system to offer fast, reliable, room temperature AR coatings on package and wafer level devices. ARC-lite is used as a free-standing unit for AR coating polished backside surfaces. The sample produced are optimized and require no baking.

ARC-lite reaches maximum functionality when used with the ASAP-1 Selected Area Preparation System -- The ARC-lite sample mounting plate can be conveniently transferred between ARC-lite and ASAP-1.

Product Highlights

  • Fast and convenient - 45 second process
  • Up to 30% more transmitted photon efficiency
  • Up to 60% improved contrast under NIR
  • Inexpensive to own and operate
  • Bench-top, quiet, room temp. process
  • All package types and sizes
  • RC can be done ‘in-house’ - NO BAKING
  • Assists and optimizes emission microscopy, Laser, FIB, voltage, thermal, FMI, probing, and most other backside techniques

For more information go to http://www.ultratecusa.com/arc-lite

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